
Carsten Oldengaard mental coach mentaltræner

My name is Carsten Oldengaard

I work as a mental coach within sports, and I have worked in this profession with sports athletes, teams, and coaches for more than fifteen years.

I am very interested in working with athletes, teams, and coaches, who all have goals – and I care less about levels and results.
It means that I work with young undiscovered athletes, international athletes, and world-class athletes. I have worked with athletes have participated or won medals in the European Championship, the World Championship, the Champions League, and the Olympics.

I worked with sports as a trainer and as an adviser before starting - my company. As a side hustle, I used to talk to different athletes and coaches who came to me for mentoring. From this side hustle, a more intensified, structured, and targeted work to develop people’s mental resources came to life. was in 2008 turned into af buisness.
To this day, I work practically and systematically with long-term sequences for a minimum of one year when training athletes and teams mentally. Besides this, I also have specific mentoring courses for head coaches in various fields in the world of sports.
The mental toolbox I offer has come into existence from personal experiences as a top athlete, trainer, association adviser, process consultant, psychiatric physiotherapist, and mental coach.

I live with my wife, Dorthe, and our two children in Lind, Herning, Denmark.

 Check out my work via the athletes' references or results, which they have achieved with me.  

Oldengaard v/Carsten Oldengaard

Anne-Maries Vej 10, 7400 Herning

Phone: +45 40 18 18 74


CVR: 31694752

Get in touch with Carsten Oldengaard here: